
Thursday, June 30, 2016

It's already decided I'm doing this trip again next year, though preferably not solo. It's been a pretty amazing time and all the people I've met along the way and told about what I'm doing think it's completely fucking awesome. And I agree with them, it is pretty awesome.

Along the way, I'm noting cool places to stop or stay as a non-single person because I've done Pastyfest as a single person three times now and I've got it down to an art form now. But for the lower peninsula leg, I'm finding more B&Bs, like the one in the city with the cider brewery that I skipped because the guy at the brewery half an hour from it said they focused largely on dry ciders, which aren't my thing at all. But then there's a guy on the airbnb who has a houseboat for $150 a night. I mean, fuck yeah I want to sleep on a houseboat at least once, but, as a single guy, I'm not about to pay $150 to sleep somewhere when I could just as easily pack some blankets and sleep at a campsite in the back of my car for $20 a night and maybe a six pack of beer to enjoy by a campfire. That's not what I'm doing at all, though. I'm staying at a hotel with a pool for the Kalamazoo leg because a hot tub is pretty great and, from the sound of it, tomorrow is going to be rough, trying to get in a few more before leaving Saturday. I actually wore a swimsuit in front of people for the first time since the stretch marks thing happened. And it was in front of teenage kids, who are the worst people on the planet and would generally openly talk shit about stretch marks. I don't know, maybe working out every day for two years has payed off or maybe they just didn't say anything within earshot because Michiganders are polite folk.

said Tommy T. at 10:11 PM - #

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