
Thursday, October 25, 2012

The Thursday morning commute is always the best one of the week because of the Poundcake Punk radio show on the college station. I get into my car today and start it up and Stiff Little Fingers' Suspect Device is playing. That's a start I can handle. When it ends, I tell myself that now slog begins. This next song is going to determine how my day goes. Elvis Costello's Radio Radio. Yeah. Windows down, waking up my neighbors, hope the Jewish guy isn't pissed that his kids are now awake at 7:05 but you either shut up or get cut up and then it was The Damned and Neat, Neat, Neat followed by the announcement that it's pledge drive time and their goal is $100,000. Yeah, my goal is six figures, too, guys, but I don't know anyone else that listens to this station, particularly where I work. They all live in the suburbs, so they think I live deep in the ghetto.

said Tommy T. at 8:54 AM - #

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