
Thursday, September 20, 2012

I've enjoyed the city quite a bit the past few weeks. I've been letting out my inner nerd by going to the local Linux users group, which was kind of a let down because they're all Ubuntu users and trying to get everyone to drink their Kool-aid. I've been looking for years for just such a group, though, and I laughed when the dude said"So, did everyone see last week's Doctor Who episode?" and everyone chimed in. That honestly makes me quite happy. I've also been going to the local yuppie mall to the weekly D&D Encounters sessions, which have been odd for me. I'm not a social animal, so that kind of thing is hard for me. Thankfully, nerds are a forgiving bunch. They still don't understand my arm situation but they've accepted me as one of their own. The one guy whose voice is exactly like the guy from that episode of Daria where the new kid moves to town and he's never eaten gum before. yeah, he talks all helium like. I don't know that he's ever had gum before, either, he's kind of excitable and not very smart. He has to count 8+5 on his fingers and he runs into every situation with his sword drawn. Diplomacy doesn't cross his mind, which gets everyone in trouble from time to time.

I'm excercising my social side a little more by volunteering this weekend at the Doors open event. I don't look forward to waking up at six on a Saturday to go through the volunteer training, but I think it'll be a cool thing to say I've done. I'm tossing around volunteering to work at empty bowls but I'm thinking it would be tough to be around all that food for a few hours. Last year's empty bowl in Point was pretty cool, but I had a tough time deciding on which bowl to take because there were several cool ones. I'm thinking it'll be harder to choose my soup this time around because there'll be a larger selection to choose from.

said Tommy T. at 6:10 PM - #

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